Two Tasks
I thought it was worth noting that it appears to me Zodiac has two distinct goals in mind when he writes these letter/cipher communiques. One task is for the letter and one is for the cipher. Zodiac...
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Mississippi River flows southward. the early 1800's it flowed north briefly due to an earthquake I believe. I didn't check into that just what I...
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I thought it was worth noting that it appears to me Zodiac has two distinct goals in mind when he writes these letter/cipher communiques. One task is for the letter and one is for the cipher. Zodiac...
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What does any of that have to do with the topic of this thread?Not sure I understand that either Trace, I just wanted to gvie him a short reply for whatever the use (him working on a theory et...I...
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Im sorry folks....just feelin a bit playfull......shant happen ... ty for attempts to communicate. I'll be more lucid tomorrow.
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There's a river that flows between Zodiac's reality and his delusion? Pieces of paper floating in the sea of Zodiac's subconcious? Anyways.....
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Mississippi has the letters M I S and P in it.M = 13I = 9S = 19P = 16M - 1 (M appears once) = 12. 12 = LI (9) + S (19) = 28. 28 - 16 (P) = 12. 12 + 6 (total number of doubled letters) = 18. 18 =...
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woodeniglooII.....I want my avatar to be able to transform't look at me!! I ripped this avatar off from another poster in the Gyke section a while ago!
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